The best way to help the shop is to buy things!  But there are other ways to help. Keeping the shop open will not be possible without the support of the local community, whether financial or practical.

How can I help?

Most needed - volunteer your time!
We always need volunteers to help in the shop so that we can keep it open - please let us know if you can spare a regular couple of hours a week. Join the team and make new friends, have great fun and be a part of a fantastic community project!  If you can't serve in the shop, we also need volunteers to help with marketing, administration, shelf stacking and cleaning, coordinating local deliveries, or several other possible tasks.

We accept donations which are valuable for supplementing our income. Whether you are an individual or a business that wants to support a community shop project, we would greatly appreciate your donation. A few people have also asked how they can set-up regular donations by standing order. Contact the Shop Manager for more details.

Fundraising Events 
We need to keep fundraising to subsidise the shop sales and pay for things like new equipment, building repairs, and other investments. Fundraising events are a great way to do this, while having fun and 
bringing people from the community together. Do you have a good idea for an event and could you organise it? Please let us know!

Share ownership 
Owning a share in the CIC will give you a say in how the shop is run and secure a vote for each resolution if proposed at any future shareholders meeting. Shares cost £10 each (at time of writing). This is your chance to be a part of this special community project if you are unable to give your time. 

Supply the shop
We are keen to supply locally produced goods wherever possible and support local suppliers and individuals who would like an outlet for their own crafts or produce.  

Support the shop!
If you cannot help in any other way, simply show us your support by spreading the word and most of all by buying things in the shop!

Thank you for your support.

Contact us